Monday, July 13, 2009

Hey Monday at Ottobar 7/12/09

HeyMonday.jpg Hey Monday image by SweetCake_90
Who: Hey Monday w/ This Providence, The Friday Night Boys, Stereo Skyline, and The Bigger Lights

Where: Ottobar

When: July 12, 2009

I got to this show kind of late because my dad fell asleep on the couch, so I missed The Bigger Lights and only caught the tail-end of Stereo Skyline, but the rest of the bands were awesome. The Friday Night Boys played mostly stuff from their new record, Off the Deep End, and played great considering this was my first time ever seeing them. Their drummer is awesome. I met him after the show, and he's probably the most down-to-earth person I've ever met. Really nice guy. This Providence was great, I've always thought they've had a really unique sound to them. Hey Monday was amazing. I had seen them at Bamboozle, but that show did not compare to this one at all. If I could choose a venue to see this band live, it would be Ottobar. I was practically standing next to the band while they were playing. They were really energetic, and Cassadee Pope's voice sounded just as good as their record. After the show, I got to meet Hey Monday for a second time and The Friday Night Boys for the first time. Really nice people. Overall, I couldn't ask anything better for this show. 5 great bands and a sweet venue to see them in. Go buy their CDs.

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